In Person & Virtual Health Consulting 607-661-5497
        In Person & Virtual Health Consulting                                                            607-661-5497                                                                              

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) 

What is FSM?

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is a system of treatment using micro amperage current and the resonance effects of frequencies on tissues and conditions to create beneficial changes to symptoms and health.

Effects of Microcurrent

Most of the time FSM produces immediate changes in tissue that make it an indispensable tool in treating pain and many other health concerns.


FSM is different from most other stimulation units. It is sub-sensory (i.e., you cannot feel it) and has profound healing effects. Scientific studies have shown that it reduces inflammation by 62%, increases ATP (energy production) by 500% and protein synthesis by 70%.


Conditions Treated

Frequency Specific Microcurrent offers numerous frequency combinations that are beneficial for a wide range of clinical conditions.  FSM is particularly helpful for nerve pain, muscle pain, inflammation, scar tissue, concussions, stress, chronic illness and functional conditions.


How is a FSM treatment done?

FSM is applied to the body using either conductive pads or wet towels.  In the clinic multiple machines are used at one time to address the numerous concerns that most clients have.


Treatments are most effective when you are hydrated.  Drink a minimum of two glasses of water before your appointment and another two glasses of water immediately following your treatment.

Directions to Rochester Office:

500 Canal View Blvd. Suite 400

From Brighton-Henrietta Townline Rd. turn on to canal view blvd and continue straight until you reach the roundabout, enter the roundabout and take the first right, then turn right into the parking lot, Suite 400


Our Conesus Office is located at 6386 Pucker St., which is a gray cape cod with a covered porch.  It is on a country road and is the second house on the right coming from Sliker Hill Rd. 

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© 2016 Laura Sleggs ND