In Person & Virtual Health Consulting 607-661-5497
        In Person & Virtual Health Consulting                                                            607-661-5497                                                                              

NanoHerb Lights

Acupuncture Without Needles

Nano Herbs Light (NHL) contains Nano Herbs, Nano Vita Water and Nano Light Systems.  The combination of NanoHerbs and Nano Vita Water is filled in a glass vial then insterted into the Nano Light.  The dual system delivers the herbal frequency through the vial to the acupuncture point(s), acheiving precise and direct results.   The herbs, water and light play a significant role in the effectiveness of certain enzyme groups and regulate the biological activities in our body.  Nano Herbs Light is an enhancement of Cell Growth 1.  It can re-balance the cell's DNA structure and teh Acupuncture Meridian. NHL is a revolutionary acupuncture technology that allows patients to achieve the results of acupuncutre without the use of needles. 

NHL uses a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicines (Nano Herb and Nano Vita Water) and state of the art technology (Nano Light System - a dual light system that includes Blue and WHITE lights) to help improve the health and well-being of patients.  The Chinese Medicine belief that an indicifual's wellness is measured by whether organs meridian energy and DNA cell structure is in balance.  Certain toxins including radiation from electronics such as cell phones, computers and free radicals can damage and cause imbalances of cellular DNA structures, which are the root of many poor health conditions, such as heart attacks, stroke and cancers.   Nano Herbs and Nano Vita Water use nanotechnology to help heal damaged cells at the atomic/molecular level by restoring the DNA double-helix structure to a health, well-balanced state.  When administering the NHL onto the acupuncture points and organs, rebalancing and enhancement of cel of acupuncture points and organs are performed via herbal energies and light frequencies. 

NHL can be used for over 700 physical conditions. The use of NHL is less invasive than traditional acupuncture since it does not involve the use of needles. Moreover, the use of herbal energies and light frequency may improve and heal physical conditions that are not treatable by traditional acupuncture. Finally, NHL is safe and can be operated by someone not trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Among others, the six main functions of NHL include: (1) cosmetic improvement, (2) scalp enhancement, (3) pain management, (4) Meridian-Organ rebalance, (5) rebalance of immune systems, and (6) energy support for cancer patients. 

Nano Herbs Light (NHL) can be used for over 700 physical conditions. They include but are not limited to pain management, organ/meridian imbalance, fatigue, depression, hair and skin, immune system, and even tumors.

Scalp Therapy can be performed using the Nano Herbs Light (NHL) and Hair Plus. The system can penetrate into the scalp tissues to create hair growth.

Directions to Rochester Office:

500 Canal View Blvd. Suite 400

From Brighton-Henrietta Townline Rd. turn on to canal view blvd and continue straight until you reach the roundabout, enter the roundabout and take the first right, then turn right into the parking lot, Suite 400


Our Conesus Office is located at 6386 Pucker St., which is a gray cape cod with a covered porch.  It is on a country road and is the second house on the right coming from Sliker Hill Rd. 

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© 2016 Laura Sleggs ND