In Person & Virtual Health Consulting 607-661-5497
        In Person & Virtual Health Consulting                                                            607-661-5497                                                                              

Sound Therapy


During your visit Dr. Laura will use sound therapy.  Like adjusting a piano, your body can be tuned to achieve optimal physical balance. Tapping two tuning forks will instantaneously improve your body’s biochemistry and bring your nervous system, organs and muscles into harmonic balance. This reduces stress, increases blood flow, enhances immune response, and fully integrates body & mind. The basic principle of healing with sound is the concept of resonance (the vibratory frequency of an object.) Each object in the world is in a state of vibration. Every organ, cell, bone, tissue and liquid of the body has a healthy vibratory frequency. If we are not resonating with some part of ourselves or of our surroundings, we become dissonant and therefore unhealthy. Our naturally healthy frequency becomes a frequency that vibrates without harmony, creating illness. Through the use of sound, we can project the correct resonant frequency toward the unhealthy part of ouselves, and return it to its normal frequency, and resulting in a healing.

Directions to Rochester Office:

500 Canal View Blvd. Suite 400

From Brighton-Henrietta Townline Rd. turn on to canal view blvd and continue straight until you reach the roundabout, enter the roundabout and take the first right, then turn right into the parking lot, Suite 400


Our Conesus Office is located at 6386 Pucker St., which is a gray cape cod with a covered porch.  It is on a country road and is the second house on the right coming from Sliker Hill Rd. 

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© 2016 Laura Sleggs ND